James Laurie Visionary Circle

Dynamic Impact Gifts

James Laurie Visionary Circle Logo

Named after co-founder and first president of ASCE, the James Laurie Visionary Circle (JLVC) represents our most dedicated annual supporters. Members of the JLVC make an initial gift of $5,000 and commit to an annual gift of $1,000 or more each year. These individuals are passionate about advancing the civil engineering profession through philanthropic investments.

To learn more about the JLVC, contact Miranda Hosseini by email or at +1 (703) 295-6342

 Ways JLVC Members Are Recognized:

  • Printed Foundation newsletter
  • Recognized as a JLVC member in the Foundation’s Annual Report
  • Recognized as a JLVC member on the Donor Wall in ASCE HQ
  • Opportunities for recognition in our Donor Spotlights
  • Special opportunities for recognition
  • Invitations to special events
  • *deceased

James Laurie Visionary Circle Members

  • John L. & Karen E. Carrato
  • Kenneth R. Cooper
  • Michael N. & Mary E. Goodkind
  • Jon D. Magnusson
  • Carson K.C. Mok
  • Odeh Engineers, Inc.
  • Sarmad (Sam) and Ina Rihani
  • Robert P. Wadell
  • Davis Family Foundation